Film 2 is a Swiss experimental noise-kraut band forming the vessel of the musical and energetical collaboration between Jonas Albrecht, Elias Bieri and Elischa Heller.
The three young musicians have been playing their way through the Swiss underground, drawing circles between dark cellars and niche festivals like «Bad Bonn Kilbi» for almost a decade. The explosive concerts full of brute emotionality, reaching from 20-minute-highspeed-sets to 4-hour-performances, have always been vital in searching for artistic and social urgency through high-volume sound and collective meditation.
Releasing their «Dark Sensual Krautrock» since 2017, their approach to publishing music has become more and more conceptual. Avoiding market-driven streaming-platforms, their 2020 LP «Unbewusste Liebe» is exclusively listenable on the website, where it streams on every sunrise and sundown. With their new album «Sorge*», Film 2 continues this exploration of perceiving and celebrating music furthermore.
Declaring the phenomena of a one-perfect-version as a scam, Film 2 reports back with an album as a piece of meditation, named «Sorge*». Between concern and caution, worrying and caring, it depicts a state of calmness and vibration in midst of an overwhelmingly complex chaos, a gentle good-bye to an outdated home.
The LP consists of a ~40-minute song called «Welt», that has been performed, captured and processed three times in three different contexts, from raw material to collective practice: the same thing in three versions, differently, simultaneously, holistically. No one knows which version of «Sorge*» will end up on the turntable, not the DJ, not the critic, and certainly not the band. It’s an invitation to entangle authorship, work, and original, to challenge intuition, coincidence, and chance. To praise the shared labour on being emotionally precise, to burry perfectionism deep into the ground and let this three-headed dog sweep over it. Howling is healing, and we do it on every new moon and every full moon, when one version of «Sorge*» streams for 12 hours on