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Sam Eagle is an unstoppable force of nature and after only five months from the release of Something Out of Nothing, he’s out again with a new EP She’s So Nice (Cooking Vinyl). To mark the occasion, we had a chat with him and he told us how his songs come to life.
You are just 21 but you already have a strong and heterogeneous release history: can you tell us about your artistic journey?
“Sure, well I started out doing solo stuff when I was 16, having only been in bands up to that point. I wanted to make something super simple and just for fun, just to try out the process. I loved it, and haven’t looked back. I have a strict rule that every song has to be unique to itself in my catalogue. So that every song speaks for itself and I don’t repeat myself. This is really important to me as an artist, and if something doesn’t meet that criteria it won’t be released. People say that writing as many songs as you can is the way to go, but I disagree personally — for me I much prefer taking longer to write a song, and just focus on making it the best it can be, allowing the song to form naturally before moving on.”
What do you prefer about your latest EP?
“I think the range of styles, emotions and sounds. That’s another thing that’s very important to me — having as wide a range of feelings as possible across a project. I’d like to think there’s something in there for everyone.”
How does its content differ from your previous releases?
“It’s more produced I would say. The last EP Something Out of Nothing and this one She’s So Nice were both made together, so they’re very much a pair, or a body of songs. Before these two EPs though, I used to take a lot more influence from jazz. Now I take more influence from hip hop.”
What do you get inspired by?
“Nature has always been a massive inspiration to me. Growing up by the sea and in the countryside of England has definitely influenced me to keep things natural, and not to process the instruments or my voice too much. Other inspirations can be anything from a song, a book, a fun experience, a conversation or anything really! Just trying to have new experiences — which granted has been very difficult over the past year.”
You are one of the artists of the year for 2020, a great achievement given the current circumstances. How are you living these challenging times?
“I’ve been very lucky to have put together my own studio to record these EPs before the pandemic. It’s been a real life line as I can keep making music and working on projects without any cost. It’s something I’d really recommend to anyone who can do it, to try and get together some kind of set up so that you’re self sufficient as an artist. It’s been difficult to stay inspired, and the amount of content flying around everywhere has been quite exhausting. I’m certainly ready now, and looking forward to moving forward into whatever the future holds.”